May 27, 2021
Do you ever feel like life has thrown you a curveball? Maybe you want to run and hide and feel overwhelmed with all that is coming your way. It can be tempting to allow that to victimize us and take away our power. In those moments we are left with a choice, to take responsibility or be a victim of life and our...
May 25, 2021
Are you struggling with inflammation or other health issues and are concerned that you might have to live with this discomfort for the rest of your life? Did you know there may be a connection between your pain, the food you eat, and what you put on your body?
I am so excited to introduce to you one of my good friends,...
May 20, 2021
Do you feel like you are on the sidelines of life? Maybe you feel like you are not fully engaged, or not actively participating in what you are truly meant to do? However, maybe you have spent years on one path and you are terrified to step out and pursue the unknown.
Today I am welcoming Megan Bendtzen, a
May 18, 2021
Have you been single for a while and wonder if you will ever truly find love? How do you know if you are ready for something more? On top of the usual stresses of building healthy relationships, we were recently hit with a pandemic that made it more challenging to connect with others, especially those we are interested...
May 13, 2021
Many of us are afraid to talk about death. This is understandable because grief is one of the most challenging experiences to walk through. However experiencing loss is a part of life, so it is important to talk about how we navigate grief on our journey to self-heal.
Today I am thrilled to introduce to you Cathleen...